Friday, April 30, 2010

Last long training walk ... 17.17 km

At our doorstep!

At our backdoor!
Well we started out this morning and went downtown to see the staff at the thrift store, stopped in at Home Hardware to get some more nylon cord (for a clothes-line, or whatever), then on to the bank to say hi to Steph (a run buddy), met one of Martin's barbershop buddies (singing chorus). Then on to Shopper's to get my prescription, after that on to the Hearing Centre (yup, it seems I might be losing some hearing) ... but, discovered they can't do a test until I get back. After this we figured we were about ready for lunch, it was 11:30 a.m. - I had forgotten to eat breakfast ... crazy since I had been awake since 4 a.m.!

Had lunch at Lefty's, (met a fellow Rotarian there) then carried on out the town highway. It was crazy, you would think it was summer and all the tourists had arrived in town with the amount of traffic! We went as far as the Industrial Park and headed up the Top Ridge trails (a running trail that I love) ... it was a perfect day, the weather was just right and the scenery in the park awesome! It was Martin's first time ... he just loved it too! I tried to get him to make an agreement with me that when we come back from Europe we could do this lovely trail many times ... if he will come to run it with me, I would come to hike it with him - very fair I think (especially that he was a runner once upon a time!). Yet, he has decided to defer his decision until after we have completed the 800 km ... hmmmmm

We carried on to cross over the bridge and came back Allsbrook ... a road that is for the most part quite quiet, but, I found out that it doesn't matter if you are running it or walking it ... it still feels like the road that never ends!

So we took a little break and stopped in at the Forestry office to see my running bud Penny. After leaving there and starting to walk again we knew the bods were pretty tired, especially the feet and I was ready to get home ... we picked up our speed and made it into the house just prior to the rains coming. Wow! this has happened time and time again ... quite incredible really, now if we can have such good fortune on the other side of the world too. :) All in all we were gone 6 1/2 hours with our packs on almost all of this time except for our lunch break! Pretty good ... that will be about the length of time we will need them on there.

We did a trial run with our fully loaded packs today ... mine weighing 20 lbs (my hubby graciously carrying my sleeping bag for me) and Martin's 25. Not sure if this is the final weight for them or not; but, we don't want to go over this weight and so we may have to take a few things out as we squeeze a few essentials in ... like toilet paper!

... 3 sleeps to go!

Went out with some running buddies last night for a farewell coffee. I have been missing them since exchanging running for walking while preparing for this pilgrimage. I had such a nice time ... but, I'm sure I 'talked everyone's ear off' ... trying to get caught up with our missed time thus far and the time that we will be missing while I am away! :) I hadn't seen my running partner Penny since our half-marathon on March 21st in Comox. It was so great to see her and the others who could make it.

Today is our final training walk before leaving ... these last couple of days are going to fly by. Only 3 more sleeps and so much to do! Laundry, packing, housework, preparation for Sunday's church service ... all our kids and grandkids and son-in-laws will be there (except for Kyle, who is in Portland playing basketball). I think Charis and Andrew are going to do a duet in the service, that is always a gift to me.

Well it is 6:15 a.m. and I haven't slept for hours ... it seems that between 4:00 and 4:30 has become the normal time to wake up these days, I just can't turn the thought processes off and end up making 'final to-do lists!' Hopefully, I will be able to sleep on the red-eye flight from Toronto to Paris Monday night. I will be needing a good rest as our first day's 'walk' is going to be a 31 km hike up and over the Pyrenees from France to Spain. God give me strength!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The departure: preparations

You make arrangements, you choose your
route, you decide what to take along and …
what to leave home, you start some training
hikes and prepare yourself mentally as well.

- what do you intend to
gain with your journey?
- what are your expectations
about your way
and about yourself?
- what held you back
earlier on?
- which role do these old
barriers play now?
- what is the most
important thing that
you take along?
- which certainties fall
away and which have
not yet fallen away?

“The real quest is not
looking for new
landscapes but looking
with new eyes”
(Marcel Proust)

The above thoughts found at can be beneficial to all pilgrims.

Another day closer ... just 9 more sleeps now. We were able to fit three more hours of walking in today and just about escaped the rain. I know that we are spoilt right now in that we can plan our walks around when we most feel like going out and what the weather is ... very very soon this will not be the situation! We will be walking every day - wind, rain, heat and possibly even snow.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A beautiful Earth Day in every way!

Oh my ... I really must remember to take a camera with me on these long jaunts! We walked for 5 hrs today and covered 23 kms. On this earth day, the sun was shining, the flowers were absolutely incredible and the greens seemed brighter than usual. The mountains in the distance were magestic with their snow peaked tops and the sky above them was as blue as blue could be, with just a few strands of cotton-batton clouds scattered here and there. The ocean, a little bit turbulent and yet perfect I suppose for the sailboat which skimmed along the top. As I said to Martin, we will see a vast variety of scenery on our trip ... but, none can beat what we have right here on our doorstep! We indeed are very blessed.

We stopped at a golf course in Qualicum and had a pre-planned lunch with a group from the women's bible study of our church. It was great to have this little get-together, I will miss my friends while I am gone. God has blessed us and enriched us as we have become closely connected throughout these past couple of years on our collective spiritual formation journey.

On our return walk to Parksville, I was once again so pleased to see another group of fellow runners. I think it is God's way of allowing me to say my goodbyes in such a way as this; I have no doubt that their well-wishes will go with us and help to carry us during the more challenging times of our Camino.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Beatitudes of the Pilgrim

Will we experience these sights? Perhaps, and if not these exact ones, similar ones to them. I have recently come to know a fellow Camino pilgrim, through our common connection with the Oblate formation group of The House of Bread Monastery in Nanaimo. Anne, has given to Martin and I a handcrafted booklet of pilgrim poetry and writings, a copy of the Pilgrim's Beatitudes is part of this collection.

Beatitudes of the Pilgrim

1. Blessed are you, pilgrim, if you find that the Camino opens your eyes to the unseen
2. Blessed are you, pilgrim, if what concerns you most is not arriving, but arriving with others.
3. Blessed are you, pilgrim, when you contemplate the sights of the Camino and find them full of names and of new dawns
4. Blessed are you, pilgrim, because you have discovered that the true Camino begins at its end
5. Blessed are you, pilgrim, if your backpack empties of things as your heart doesn’t know how to fit so many emotions
6. Blessed are you, pilgrim, if you discover that a step backwards to help another is more valuable that a hundred forward without awareness of those at your side
7. Blessed are you, pilgrim, when you have no words to give thanks for all the wonders in every nook of the Camino
8. Blessed are you, pilgrim, if you search for the truth and make of your Camino a life, and of your life a Camino, after Him who is the Way, the Truth and the life
9. Blessed are you, pilgrim, if on the Camino you meet yourself and make yourself a gift of time without hurry, so that you may not neglect the image of your heart
10. Blessed are you, pilgrim, if you find that the Camino is rich with silence and the silence is rich with prayer and the prayers are encounters with the Father that awaits you.

(Hospitalera of the refuge of pilgrims “los Padres Reparadores” from Puente Reina)

As stated by another pilgrim:

"There was sun, wind, snow, sleet, hail and rain, not necessarily in that order, and sometimes keeping positive was difficult and prayer became very basic, ‘Bed please God’, ‘Please get me to the top of this hill’! But walking towards the goal of Santiago, following yellow arrows, remembering that for centuries others have walked on these paths, was a tremendous experience, allowing the physical experience to become the prayer – the weight of the rucksack, the aches and pains, the warmth of the sun, the beautiful and bountiful wild flowers, birds, choruses of frogs, amazing storks, sharing a meal, sharing a burden, realizing that the 50+ nationalities all have one thing in common - we were all pilgrims ..."

Thank you to Anne and others who have created the pathway we will walk. As for now we continue to train here at home. This morning we completed 2.5 hours and will go out for several more hours this evening or early tomorrow morning. The following day (the 22nd) we will walk to uptown Qualicum, have lunch with some friends, and walk home again. That will be our longest training walk to date ... perhaps 7 hours. As a runner, I have yet to become accustomed to this slower mode of travel - I am still learning to walk in a relaxed manner, but, I suspect it will come and then the challenge will be to run once again, when I return home from Europe!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Map, Photos and Info of the Camino Frances Route

The Camino Frances is the route from St. Jean Pied de Port, on the French side of the Pyrenee Mountains to Santiago de Compestela, the city where all Camino travels end.

In 1985, 2,491 pilgrims completed the Camino. In 1995, 19,821; in 2005 93,921; and last year there were 145,877, These numbers account for only the pilgrims that asked for, and received, a Compostela (certificate of accomplishment for the last 100 kms with official stamps in a 'Camino Passport' as official proof). Not all would have had a 'passport' stamped; as such, many more actually completed the routes to Santiago de Compostela than these numbers account for.

The year of 2010 is holy year; therefore, it is said that the refugios (hostels), also known as albergues, will be that much more crowded (first come - first served basis). This will mean many very early mornings in order to reach the albergues as early as possible! Whenever St James's day (25th of July) falls on a Sunday, the cathedral declares a Holy or Jubilee Year - 2010 is such a year as this. I am sure that it will make the entire experience just that much more interesting.

A little map certainly makes it look less than 800 km's!

A beautiful walk and delicious lunch in Errington ...

Yesterday was perfect walking weather!

I am still finding it interesting anda bit frustrating too how little distance is covered, in the same space of time, compared to if we were running. Hmmm, I know that this is a mindset that will soon change; but, for now it is what it is. I guess that’s to be expected when I have never really gone out, on purpose, to 'just' walk and yet I cannot count how many times I have gone out for a run.

Yesterday's route:

When we reached Errington, we stopped at Backroads Java for a bite of lunch (the owner’s mom, Grace Salter - a really nice lady, attends our church). I have been there several times previously, as this is the spot where my running group (ORCA - Oceanside Running Club Association) congregates following an Errington run. We park our vehicles in the parking lot, head out on a run and then come back for a well-deserved cup of coffee prior to heading home. This was Martin’s first time here and he swears that his wrap (the Clubhouse) was the very best wrap that he has ever had! So, what a neat unexpected gift along the way.

By the time we were over half way back, just at the underpass coming into the city ... my left foot (at the base of the toes) started to cause me grief, to the point that I knew this was serious stuff taking place! With arthritis and bunions, it is not that I am unused to pain in my feet, but, this was very different! All I could think of was my sister Mary’s stress fracture, a couple years ago, after she completed a half-marathon in Banff. I immediately had this vision of wearing a big black air-cast boot in Spain, while Martin did the Camino without me. In fact, we started to discuss what we would do in case this should happen ... but, psychologically I was/am not ready for the possibility of having to drop out and so we changed the subject! Martin suggested we sit for a minute on a log beside the road - a really good idea. Hopefully, now with a couple days off from walking things will subside. Sadly, to rest my feet ... this meant that I missed my group run this morning. :( All in all, we were gone for 4.25 hours.

When we got home our precious grandsons Jesse (8) and Jonas (5) and our daughter Tianna (who was celebrating a birthday/April 16th) and her hubby Ray (whose birthday is next week – April 22nd) and their Golddendoodle dog Yankee were there. We are looking after our grandchildren as birthday gifts for the parents, but, mostly because we will really miss them when we are gone to Europe. We love them dearly (as all you grandparents would know) and there isn’t much time left now to see them and so it is necessary to squeeze what time in that we can!

I am part of the Oblate formation program at The House of Bread Monestary in Nanaimo and so I will be away tomorrow for a day of prayer using the format of Lectio Divina (praying the bible). My wonderful husband will be holding down the fort at home.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New Backpack and New Trail Runners

Well, it has taken me five months to finally put my pack on ... these things take time don't you know. :) First of all I needed to get the last half-marathon out of the way and then I was certain that I would get serious about my training. So hard to believe that 3 1/2 weeks have passed since the half! Oh my, where does time go?! So, with less than 3 weeks to go, it was necessary tonight to try out this integral part of my equipment, a Gregory Jade 60 pack; a piece that will hopefully become like a second-skin. It felt good! Mind you I didn't put anything but a water bottle in it, no sense in rushing it too much.

As for my new trail shoes ... didn't have them quite so long; as this is the third pair of shoes purchased. I began with Merrell's and then la Sportiva's, fortunately I hadn't stepped outside in either pair; as neither shoe had the necessary instep support for my over-pronation issue. You would think that as a runner I would have had this well under control! However, I am so used to my good 'ol Brooks Adrenalines that I had no idea what to get in the way of anything else. So, I have settled on Salomon Wings XT 2's in baby blue ... (ugggg, not by choice, this was the only colour available) ... and to think that I almost got them filthy on their trial trail run tonight. So, just in case any area runners read this, Springwood is really boggy in patches right now. On a good note, I did find out that walking poles will come in real handy when traversing logs!

Martin is thrilled with his new boots and gleefully reports this to me! He is also very happy with his new Gregory pack (in navy). He has donned these items many times now going back and forth to the office, home and the church. Our little hike only ended up being 1 1/2 hrs long tonight, but, we are planning for four hours tomorrow. Then, I hope to do a run with my buddies tomorrow night (sure have missed them since the half). I will keep you posted. :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

New Walking Sticks

Tried out the walking sticks today for a 3 hr 20 min walk. We headed out at 7:30 a.m. and returned at 10:50. Went through town to the estuary and back. The little ducks diving down with just their tails up in the air is so funny!

I don't have much time now to get some heavy duty training in! Hopefully it will go smoothly and no injuries. Mind you still feeling the sore shoulder/arm for almost a year now. I do hope that it will not cause me too much grief when I start training with backpack on. Decided not to wear my new Solomon Wings 2 trail runners yet, as I haven't really checked them out well enough indoors. Must get at that this week, so that I can start checking them out on the roads/trails before heading to Spain - in exactly 3 weeks today! Oh my!