Friday, January 1, 2010

JANUARY 1, 2010 ... the beginning!

Well folks, today was the first day of Martin's and my training for our five week, 800 km walk (20 - 30 km/day)this coming May/June, which will take us from the base of the Pyrenees Mtns in France and across northern Spain on a route known as the 'Way of St. James' ... . .. there are many other online sites as well which describe the pilgrimage that has been going on for over a 1000 years. After reading 'the story' behind it, it seems likely that this pilgrimage is founded more on myth than fact; that being said, experiencing it will be a very real and truly holistic experience!

The first day of this new year began with a morning, turning into mid-afternoon, spent in pjs in front of Christmas tree, beside the fireplace, searching the net for accommodation in Spain, for a week at the end of our Camino in June. All the while looking out the living room window at gray wet skies turning ever so briefly into slightly sunny ones.

Eventually donning outdoor apparel we headed to the door - five of us. Martin, me, Joel, Tobias and even the dog 'Austin.' Austin, literally bouncing with glee, was by far the most eager to 'get the show on the road!' Yet, despite our becoming absolutely soaked we returned, just over an hour later, having had a very good start for our Camino, and the promise of many more such walks yet to come!

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