Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mud! Mud! and more Mud!

Charis it was so special to get your note just now, just wonderful! I wrote a response to it, but, can´t seem to publish it. It is so beautiful that you and Andrew will have to come some day and do it for yourself ... we are quite sure you will. :) Our pictures just can´t reveal all that this countryside and culture is like ... truly amazing.

We completed 33 km yesterday, I would like to say it was a 'piece of cake', but, true to form, Dad says "it was more like a mud pie!" and he is so right ... we traversed trails most of the way that were like streams with thick mud, which had us zig-zagging the entire way. All I can say is thank goodness for hiking poles! They were truly a blessing for so many reasons, mostly for stability, but, also because the terrain was steep going up and down.

Martin, on one of the first, of several, ancient bridges we would eventually cross over.

Another bridge ... me, a little bit wet!

The sun came out for lunch break, we were blissfully unaware that the roughest part of the day's trek was yet ahead!

Fellow pilgrim, Paul from Korea (Earlier in the day Martin's good backpack cover fell off a bridge and into the river below.) :

Beautiful front facade on home, decorated with the Camino scallop shell motif.

We stayed last night in an albergue with a South African, British, Canadian, Korean, American, German, Greek, and we all had supper together. Quite something!

The day before yesterday we walked through a forest that was well-known for having witch´s covens in the dark. So they errected a large white stone white cross to protect and drive out the witches. Something like the one below.

We stayed last night in a great albergue that is within an ancient cathedral which has been welcoming pilgrims since the 11th Century. Can you imagine this! 

We are staying tonight just outside of Pamplona and tomorrow will begin our walk by going up a mountain once again and looking back to see the city of Pamplona in the distance before we head down the other side. We have been told that the way can be difficult. So we will hopefully sleep well and be well rested for the task that is before us. I have only one tiny blister thus far, which has happened from the muddy water oozing into my shoes. Martin wants to make sure that I put down that he has none! We both are sporting tight calves today, but, wouldn´t expect it to be any different considering what the terrain has been.

This walk has given us many opportunities to see how God has blessed us time and time again, even in small things we have noticed how we have been spared from an injury and been given a great sleep, hospitality, good meals, etc. It is blessing upon blessing!

It is Mother´s Day here and so we want to wish all those who are Mother´s back home a very Happy Mother´s Day (especially our beautiful daughter who is an incredible mom to Jesse and Jonas "A Very Happy Mother´s Day!¨"


  1. Hi mom! Did you have a good mothers day?! :)
    we had so much fun with Amy here. We went on a hike to ammonite falls and had a picnic with the boys at the Nanaimo river. And we went to chemainus and had gelato! Mmmm....
    Dad, make sure you put sunscreen on! I showed Danae a picture of your bald head and she couldn't believe it!! Haha.
    I love you guys! Have fun.

  2. Thanks Charis, just wrote another post and it wasn´t there when I went to publish it. :( Will try again. Yes, had a great mother´s day and dad is using sunscreen and his buff ... love you guys too

  3. Buenos dias,

    My father was unable to send you a comment. He just wanted to update you about life back home. The church service was good. Gayna did well. The roof on the house is almost done. Hope you are having fun. even with wet feet :).
    All the best.


  4. Thanks Lydia.

    Tell your Dad that we are meeting tons of Germans on the Camino, so our questions is when is he coming. Age is not a concern.

  5. Just have to tell you the "mud pie" was a dilly--I laughed aloud:D Humour goes a long way--hopefully both of you have 800KM's worth stored up somewhere! Love it that I can read your daily comments and that both of you are doing this. I am as well as can be expected and hope to be back swimming soon. Love, Matuga
