Friday, May 7, 2010

We are at the top of the Pyrenees!

Streets of St. Jean Pied de Port ...
two excited pilgrims ... about to tackle the Pyrenees ... without a clue of what will be in-store!

Notice altitude change in day one/day two! 

We truly mean the top! We climbed four hours yesterday and four hours today what seemed to be straight up ... as dear little Jonas said, he was worried that we were going to fall off! Actually, it was a combination of highway and mountain trails which are mud ... water ... rock ... and snow covered. Quite an amazing experience!

Day One: St. Jean Pied de Port to Valcarlos
Day Two:  Valcarlos beyond Roncesvalles

We especially found the beauty of the climb yesterday quite something ... the green mountainsides, with farms that go up as high as can be seen. The lands partitioned by ancient stone walls covered in green vines and sheepfolds scattered here and there. The white stucco and stone buildings with their red tile roofs and red shuttered windows are everywhere and because all the buildings have a uniformity to them, this makes it all extra special. Yesterday the mist hung over the valley and the rains came off and on all day ... but, from everything that we have read this is not uncommon for the Basque region.

I love this old gate ...
one of many other wonderful sights yet to be experienced.

Climbing, climbing ... but, oh my, 
so very pastoral.

Mist hanging over the valley.


Today, fortunately, our much steeper climb (of 900 m) was in both the sun and shade ... but, no rain and now snow. Just much water to contend with on the ground as it has extreme winter conditions in this region. The streams are absolutely full ... we followed one today that reminded us, in various places, of hiking along the Englishman River trails back home.

We are well. Last night´s first stay in an albergue (pilgrim´s hostel) was interesting. All the sounds and smells that go with it, but, we were prepared for this; at least as best as one can be, and for that which we are not yet quite prepared, we are continually praying for more grace.

A beautiful 13th Century cross ... one cannot help but think of the pilgrims of long ago who also passed by this way.

The summit!

Eventually reached the snow!
It turned out to be a beautiful sunny day!

We are now stopping for a bite to eat before heading on to the next albergue six km away. We hope that there will be space for us, as the one after that is 17 more kms and we don´t want to do that much today. Tomorrow we plan to do 26 km, our longest day here thus far. We will pray for a good night´s rest.

Continuing to hold you in our hearts and in our prayers. God bless you.


  1. Yay! Success! Wish I could see all the beautiful scenery with you, mom!!!
    Missing you guys.
    Love you lots.

    Ps. Is your head prickly yet, dad?? :)

  2. Charis, I posted a note of appreciation above, it was so great to get this note! I lost my earlier note here and thought I had lost the entire note above due to a storm that hit. I have never ever experienced such tempermental weather as what we have here!!! It is sunny one moment and downpouring the next. At one point today, I went to move the washing over to the sunshine and before I could do it, it had clouded over and started raining ... in a matter of moments. We just finished what is known as the pilgrim meal which consists of 3 course with wine (we paid for water instead). It was very good for 10.00 Euro each. Love you guys and dad says yes he has a prickly head and has shaved it once and it is now sunburned, but, he will wear sunscreen tomorrow.
