Friday, April 30, 2010

... 3 sleeps to go!

Went out with some running buddies last night for a farewell coffee. I have been missing them since exchanging running for walking while preparing for this pilgrimage. I had such a nice time ... but, I'm sure I 'talked everyone's ear off' ... trying to get caught up with our missed time thus far and the time that we will be missing while I am away! :) I hadn't seen my running partner Penny since our half-marathon on March 21st in Comox. It was so great to see her and the others who could make it.

Today is our final training walk before leaving ... these last couple of days are going to fly by. Only 3 more sleeps and so much to do! Laundry, packing, housework, preparation for Sunday's church service ... all our kids and grandkids and son-in-laws will be there (except for Kyle, who is in Portland playing basketball). I think Charis and Andrew are going to do a duet in the service, that is always a gift to me.

Well it is 6:15 a.m. and I haven't slept for hours ... it seems that between 4:00 and 4:30 has become the normal time to wake up these days, I just can't turn the thought processes off and end up making 'final to-do lists!' Hopefully, I will be able to sleep on the red-eye flight from Toronto to Paris Monday night. I will be needing a good rest as our first day's 'walk' is going to be a 31 km hike up and over the Pyrenees from France to Spain. God give me strength!

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