Saturday, April 17, 2010

A beautiful walk and delicious lunch in Errington ...

Yesterday was perfect walking weather!

I am still finding it interesting anda bit frustrating too how little distance is covered, in the same space of time, compared to if we were running. Hmmm, I know that this is a mindset that will soon change; but, for now it is what it is. I guess that’s to be expected when I have never really gone out, on purpose, to 'just' walk and yet I cannot count how many times I have gone out for a run.

Yesterday's route:

When we reached Errington, we stopped at Backroads Java for a bite of lunch (the owner’s mom, Grace Salter - a really nice lady, attends our church). I have been there several times previously, as this is the spot where my running group (ORCA - Oceanside Running Club Association) congregates following an Errington run. We park our vehicles in the parking lot, head out on a run and then come back for a well-deserved cup of coffee prior to heading home. This was Martin’s first time here and he swears that his wrap (the Clubhouse) was the very best wrap that he has ever had! So, what a neat unexpected gift along the way.

By the time we were over half way back, just at the underpass coming into the city ... my left foot (at the base of the toes) started to cause me grief, to the point that I knew this was serious stuff taking place! With arthritis and bunions, it is not that I am unused to pain in my feet, but, this was very different! All I could think of was my sister Mary’s stress fracture, a couple years ago, after she completed a half-marathon in Banff. I immediately had this vision of wearing a big black air-cast boot in Spain, while Martin did the Camino without me. In fact, we started to discuss what we would do in case this should happen ... but, psychologically I was/am not ready for the possibility of having to drop out and so we changed the subject! Martin suggested we sit for a minute on a log beside the road - a really good idea. Hopefully, now with a couple days off from walking things will subside. Sadly, to rest my feet ... this meant that I missed my group run this morning. :( All in all, we were gone for 4.25 hours.

When we got home our precious grandsons Jesse (8) and Jonas (5) and our daughter Tianna (who was celebrating a birthday/April 16th) and her hubby Ray (whose birthday is next week – April 22nd) and their Golddendoodle dog Yankee were there. We are looking after our grandchildren as birthday gifts for the parents, but, mostly because we will really miss them when we are gone to Europe. We love them dearly (as all you grandparents would know) and there isn’t much time left now to see them and so it is necessary to squeeze what time in that we can!

I am part of the Oblate formation program at The House of Bread Monestary in Nanaimo and so I will be away tomorrow for a day of prayer using the format of Lectio Divina (praying the bible). My wonderful husband will be holding down the fort at home.

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