Saturday, April 17, 2010

Map, Photos and Info of the Camino Frances Route

The Camino Frances is the route from St. Jean Pied de Port, on the French side of the Pyrenee Mountains to Santiago de Compestela, the city where all Camino travels end.

In 1985, 2,491 pilgrims completed the Camino. In 1995, 19,821; in 2005 93,921; and last year there were 145,877, These numbers account for only the pilgrims that asked for, and received, a Compostela (certificate of accomplishment for the last 100 kms with official stamps in a 'Camino Passport' as official proof). Not all would have had a 'passport' stamped; as such, many more actually completed the routes to Santiago de Compostela than these numbers account for.

The year of 2010 is holy year; therefore, it is said that the refugios (hostels), also known as albergues, will be that much more crowded (first come - first served basis). This will mean many very early mornings in order to reach the albergues as early as possible! Whenever St James's day (25th of July) falls on a Sunday, the cathedral declares a Holy or Jubilee Year - 2010 is such a year as this. I am sure that it will make the entire experience just that much more interesting.

A little map certainly makes it look less than 800 km's!


  1. Dear Carolyn and Martin, are almost there...or when you read this you have already arrived in Santiago. WOW!!!!!!!!!! Speaking from someone who has done it. Again, how wonderful for you both!
    Paul, Forrest and I recommend visiting the folk museum of Galatia if you have time...very worthwhile; officially it is called Museo do Pobo Galego
    As well, we treated ourselves to the most exquisite little boutique hotel which included yogurt, museli and tons of fresh fruit for breakfast in the price, and afternoon tea...such a lovely little walking distance (ha) from the main cathedral: Rosarosae 15702 Santiago de Compostela Telephone: +34 981-528-300
    And they speak English extremely well.
    It probably 40e a night but well worth the treat.. Just in case you didn't have accommodation plans.
    JoAnna Battjes

  2. Consider staying at a hostel the next time you go on vacation.

    Pousadas Em Natal
