Thursday, June 10, 2010

800+ complete ... leaving for Malaga via Portugal on June 12th

Thanks so much for the notes of congrats! We certainly appreciate them.

Unfortunately, we have yet to make it to the Pilgrim´s Mass as this morning the bus driver forgot to let us off the bus! But, in the end, all turned out well as we saw much more of the city than we would have otherwise.

We are treating ourselves tonight and staying in a very nice small hotel that our friend JoAnne, back in Kamloops, informed us of and stayed here with her family when they also did the Camino last year. Unfortunately, the hotel had only one night´s accomodation for us and so tomorrow night will be much more pilgrim-like! Back to bunkbeds!

On Saturday morning we will head out to the airport by bus with backpacks on to pick up a rental car. It is our hope to drive through Portugal in two days to reach Malaga in southern Spain. Will let you know when we get there!

It has been raining almost non-stop since we arrived in Santiago. It does not make for great sight-seeing; however, our main desire was to have good weather for the Camino and this we certainly has (for the most part). Altogether, out of five weeks we likely had about four to five days of rain.

The feet (mine) and legs (Martin´s) are continuing to heal and so it is nice that we are able to give them a bit of respite now. Likely will take several days before things are back to norm in this regard.

All being well, tomorrow (11th) we will attend the Pilgrim Mass at noon and also hope to see St. James crypt and a few other significant sites before leaving Santiago the following morning.

Blessings to all, stay well!

Carolyn and Martin
PILGRIM MASS ... WE MADE IT! The swinging Botafumeiro dispensing clouds of incense

(1) The Botafumeiro is suspended from a pulley mechanism in the dome on the roof of the church . The current pulley mechanism was installed in 1604. The Santiago de Compostela Botafumeiro is one of the largest censers in the world, weighing 80 kg and measuring 1.60 m in height. (2) Shovels are used to fill the Botafumeiro, or the Alcachofa, with about 40 kg of charcoal and incense. The thurible is tied to the rope with elaborate knots. The censer is pushed initially to start its motion. Eight red-robed tiraboleiros pull the ropes, producing increasingly large oscillations of the censer. The turible's swings almost reach the ceiling of the transept. The incensory can reach speeds of 68 km/h as it dispenses thick clouds of incense. At the top of the swing, the Botafumeiro reaches heights of 21 meters. It swings in a 65 meter arc between the Azabachería and Praterias doorways at the ends of the transept. The maximum angle achieved is about 82°. The maximum can be reached after about 17 cycles, and requires about 80 seconds of swinging. It costs about 250€ for each thurible "performance" at the cathedral. Although this is expensive, the swinging of the thurible is very popular with pilgrims, tourists and visitors. The Botafumeiro produces large volumes of smoke. This is in accord with the well-known saying in religious circles, "More incense, less nonsense."



  1. Hi again,

    Today, I spent the whole day going to the chiropractor and doing a few things downtown Kingston. Since I started my garden, way back when, I haven't been able to get much else done so today was the day and I feel more tired than when I dig and lift rocks!

    I need to get into the gardening gear and go out there and spread some dirt on the seeds that I had to put on the ground last night--I had soaked them and they were sprouted and threatening to go sour in the water.

    I am glad that you had a chance to ride around on the bus today--just what the doctor ordered--a rest for the FEET and a feast for the eyes in that you saw a lot of the city that you might not have taken the time to see.

    I know you will love the "pilgrim's mass" tomorrow and see a lot more of the sights before you leave on Saturday but it was/is good to just "sit and see" after such an arduous event.

    I hope your driving trip is uneventful--no car troubles or traffic problems. How long will you be in Malaga? And, what day is your flight back to Canada?

    It hardly seems like you have been gone over a month. I can't remember the last time I thought, "Gee it is taking a long time to get to...any anticipated date." Even when I was in University, it seemed like a semester started one day and a couple of days later it was over.

    I wonder if you will see any art galleries before you come home? There were a lot of famous Spanish painters; especially of religious art but also secular artists who were affected by various wars, such as Goya and Picasso and of course there were "court painters" as well.

    I hope it is warmer in Malaga after the cool mountains and rainy weather you have been experiencing during the latter part of the Camino and it would be nice if the sun shone for a day in Santiago because colours are so much more brilliant in the sunshine.

    I should stop procrastinating, get my grubbies on, and go out there and do the gardening I have to do today before it is too late to do it.

    On my way into the house, I saw that some animal was in the flower bed digging around today while I was away. Probably birds feasting on the newly planted zinnia seeds I placed last night. I hope they didn't eat them all but it is very difficult to see them once they hit the ground and it was too late to mix the dirt and spread it last night but I absolutely cannot let the seeds go uncovered for another night no matter how unenthused I am about doing it. I just have to think about how hard it must have been to get out there early every morning knowing you would have to walk all day--but you kept doing it till you accomplished the whole 800+ Again, Wow!

    I see evidence, every morning, that the neighbourhood cats have dug holes in the vegetable garden. Not a good thing but I can tolerate the cats as long as they don't ruin the plants before they get strong enough to withstand their digging. Last year, I lost all my beans and had to replant them due to the cats digging and you know what else.

    Bye for now, hope you enjoy your night in the small hotel and tomorrow night too even if you will be back in the bunk beds.

    Sometimes, when sleeping in bunk beds, it must feel like you are really a pilgrim. But, I imagine it would have been "much less than bunks" for the original pilgrims centuries ago.

    Have a great time in Santiago and I am looking forward to your next missive from Spain. If you go near a beach please bring me back a small sea shell or a small rock. I would ask for a pair of very tall, red, Spanish leather boots, with inside zippers, but I know you don't have room in your luggage. Just kidding, 'cause when I really NEED such an item, I will find a facsimile in Sally Ann's and paint them red--no problem:)

    Love and congratulations again 'cause I know that those muscles and feet are not back to normal yet, Matuga

  2. Matuga,

    Love you bunches! Thanks for the note.

    We just returned from the cathedral and then cafe con leche in a bar with a friend ... it is quite something saying goodbye to folks that have come to mean so much to us in such a short period of time. These dear friends are from Australia and Ireland.

    You are so right about the bunk beds! I have thought of this many times, how fortunate we are to sleep in beds! Instead of a cave, such as the ones we have passed.

    Off to sleep now, the morning will come early and we will put on our packs again. This time just to walk to the bus which will take us out to the airport to pick up our rental car.

    thanks for giving mom my love and héllos. Please keep doing so!


  3. Hi Carolyn and Martin,

    Somehow, when I think of both of you with your packs on, the words, "Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to ... I go come to mind":)

    I called Mom and read out your last post, onto Mom's answering machine, Carolyn.

    Then, later on tonight, I spoke to Lois. She said that she tried to print off a few of your posts (to take to Mom so that Mom will not feel "left out" when we speak to her about you.

    Lois wondered why the latest post printed instead of the one from the beginning of your Camino? I told her that she likely has to be on the page she wants to print, in order for it to print. So, Lois will try again another day but she also said that Mary said she is going to print off some of your messages and take them to Mom.

    These words are to let you know that all of us are waiting with "bated breath" and "hanging on your every word":)

    I was almost finished my garden so today I went out there and started some new projects. What a nut. This kept me working ALL DAY until I could hardly walk into the house and get in a hot bath. I had a LONG bath (no surprise there)and did some exercises in the bath so that tomorrow, hopefully I'll be able to finish off the work I started today.

    I should have left well enough alone but I still have nastursium seeds ready to plant and sweet pea seeds which probably should have been planted weeks ago because they prefer very cool weather when starting off.

    Oh well. I just couldn't do it all as fast as I thought I could. That seems to be a perennial problem--wanting to do more than I can accomplish in too short a timeframe.

    Once these seeds are in, I will not purchase anything more, and, this time I mean it!

    I hope you have good weather for your drive through Portugal. I can't say the name: "Portugal", without thinking of my friend Elisa Simao that lived across from me in the trailer court in Mica Creek. I often wonder how she is these days? Like you said, in your post, it is so easy to lose touch with people who at one time were very important to our happiness.

    Bye for now, it is about 10:30 PM here in Kingston. I am going to bed earlier than usual because I really am "tuckered out" as Mom often says.

    Love to both of you, so glad you are doing this together. Matuga xoxoxox

  4. Hi! Here I go again. Because I refrained yesterday from pitching the computer out of the dining room window I will try again. Sitting in this exact spot years ago the sewing-machine almost met the same fate. Never did learn how to sew; I just got smart and gave up. I like the computer more than I ever did the sewing-machine so it's likely safe for now. I am still in awe over your trek and have been every day since you started. I attempted to print the pages off to give to mom but they were all backwards so I gave up but will try again. William is cutting hay today; as soon as he finishes the outsides of the field he will become supervisor and Sean will take over. Everything is beautifully green here; we have had some rain which the ground needed. The forecast is for sun for the next few days so the attempt will be in earnest to get the hay up. Bye for now, God bless and enjoy your holiday.

    Love, Lois and William

  5. Hi Matuga and Lo,

    Wow, lots of stuff happening at your ends too! So glad to hear that the computer is safe for now Lo. We haven´t heard anything from Mary, so please give her our love also. Of course we have been thinking of everyone and praying for you all as well.

    That is so cool to hear that Sean is working the machinery to get the haying done with Grandpa. I also loved the ¨what´s the deal story.¨ from Karis.

    My time is almost up here on this computer so will write more in due time. Yes, please do give mom our love.

    Carolyn and Martin xo xo

  6. Hey--tried to send you a photo of Grandma and
    Grandpa Blomme that I found in my desk after not having seen it in the last 20 years!

    Your mailbox is overful:)

    I spoke to Mom a day or so ago. Norma had printed off some of your posts for her and she was impressed that you have taken time to write all this stuff along with all of your physical activity:)

    She said that she read every word before she went to bed that night. are VIP's:) We keep checking to see what you have to say next. How does it feel to be the highlight of so many lives? Does this mean that we should get busy and do something memorable too?

    Well, you are probably tired of my "garden stories" but I am still plugging away at it. I took the whole day off yesterday--didn't even open my door. Stayed in bed most of the day and today it took a long time to get started but I did get out there while I had a roasting chicken in the oven.

    My friends, Dick and Barbie came for dinner and brought a salad; Dick uploaded the photos I took with his camera and one of them was a photo of our grandparent's 50th Anniversary.

    After dinner, we admired my garden and then went swimming. The hot tub was hot--very unusual and the pool was nice and warm, that was a surprise as well. I wanted to stay in the water, FOREVER. But... All things must come to an end.

    I should be finished the gardening tomorrow because I have so little left to do but I have been having a few rough days. I stopped taking medication and now it will take a few days to work out of my system. I know this will happen but it is a trade off. I have all the physical pain back and the side effects from taking the medication while getting the heavy work done.

    I have an appointment with the surgeon on Tuesday, to look at the causes of the insane pain and see if there is something that can be done about it. I have been invited to go to Springfield, New York, (near Cooperstown) on June 29th to the vB's cottage by the lake (water warm enough to swim)and return a week later, on July 6th.

    And, I have a "sleep over" at the doctor's clinic, to test for Sleep Apnea, on July 7th.

    Hopefully these specialists will analyze me and fix my most serious problems. By the end of the summer, I will be "brand new" and rarin' to go with all the pain minimized and lots of sleep.

    It is after midnight again so I will say, "Good bye" for now. Don't forget, we expect to read updates every time we check in...not really. I am just letting you know that we are checking because we want to hear that you are having the greatest time of your lives and your trip through Portugal was wonderful and you are rested and relaxed now that the major event has been accomplished.

    Love to both of you,

  7. HI Travellers

    Hi! It's Sunday afternoon. Marie and Darrel Eckhart. who now live in Salmon Arm were here earlier today. We don't see them very often; when they come over this way they visit with relatives and the same with us when we go to Salmon Arm.

    I spoke to Mary yesterday afternoon; she was going to see Mom. I haven't seen Mom for a couple weeks. I am glad that Mary goes to see her and take her out to do stuff. Norma came to see her a few days ago as well.

    I hope you noticed that there are paragraphs in this letter.

    There is not much news and I suppose I should refrain from telling grandkid stories, although I could tell you about a million. Kennedy, the other half of the wild twosome was here yesterday. Kennedy and Karis are both in love with each other (and themselves).

    Hope all is going as great as before; looking forward to getting together before too long so that you can tell us some stories in person.

    Keep having a blast,
    Lois and William
