Friday, June 18, 2010

Have been to Gibralter and Morocco and next it will be Barcelona; Cannes, Monte Carlo and Rome and Frankfurt and Vancouver, Canada .... ahhhh the life


Ferry to Morocco

In Morocco! Wow!

Spices in the market place!

Cheese in the marketplace

Beautiful street sign

Most western part of Africa

Marketplace colours

Most northwestern part of Africa

Yup, that's me on a camel

Will add more as we are able! The trips to Gibraltar and Morocco were great and of course completed very quickly. Today we are off to do a bit of shopping prior to leaving Spain and have long-awaited massages booked for tomorrow. We have held off all week, but, it is now much anticipated and hopefully will be well worth it. I am also going to have a very much needed pedicure and will definitely require some opaque nailpolish for the black toenails!

The weather has been absolutely perfect and we have not a thing to complain about! Of course as our time winds down here we are thinking more and more of home and our loved ones and especially our children and grandchildren and missing them all the more!

Trust all is well with all! Many blessings!


  1. Hi Carolyn and Martin,

    Glad to hear that you are having the time of your lives:)

    Wow! What a wonderful thing, to have the time to travel around to all these places after completing the Camino. It would have been terrible if you hadn't had time left over for a "wind down and relaxation" episode.

    Happy that you are pampering yourselves with massages. Even if the massages hurt a bit, they will do a world of good.

    Carolyn, I didn't hear you say that Martin was getting a pedicure and opaque nail polish?Or, didn't he get black toenails?

    Reflecting on the issue, I believe Martin deserves at least the nail polish, hot pink might be nice, even if he doesn't have black toenails:)

    My life is going great and I am happy as a lark today! I still don't remember what day you will arrive in Vancouver?

    Love to both of you, Matuga

  2. Here goes! I am just going to say hi in case this one also goes the way of the dodo bird. I am nothing if not persistent; stupid maybe but persistent. If this gets through I will write more. Love to both, Lois

  3. Dear Carolyn and Martin Hi again! It is 9:45 a.m. I am speechless and I am not going to tell you what I was doing wrong so that people in all continents can see. Sean and William are haying and we are praying that the weather forecast is wrong. It calls for rain for the next five days. So far the hay that is baled is in good shape. I am so happy for you that you are on this trip; some days I still can`t believe it. If you`re wondering why there is only one paragraph, well, I`ll let you figure it out. I am hoping to see mom today; I talked toher a couple of times yesterday. Cheri and I went to Vancouver on Tuesday and came home on Thursday. Your communication is so interesting; thanks for continuing to do it. As you have likely guessed from my computer skill, that is the reason I turn it on. Love to both, Lois and William

  4. Hi Sisters! All of you! (even though some seem to be absent ... haha)

    So good to get your notes. What a treat ... Martin just chuckled about the nailpolish suggestion and I think it was a great one! Yes, he has a black toe nail or two as well. And, after today, mine are a lovely metalic red ... just the right colour for Spain, wouldn´t you agree!!!? I love it that I decided to do the pedicure treatment. I told her when I got to the salon today, that I am a bit like the woman who cleans her house before the cleaning lady arrives, as last night I soaked my feet and pumiced, etc, etc, ... she said ¨that´s my job!´ Oh well, she didn´t have quite so much to tend to.

    Glad to hear that the haying is going well and there are happy voices coming from both parts of the country! Now please give my love as well to that other dear sis who seems to be missing in action, and mom and Norma and George. Although I do hear from Norma on facebook, which I am thoroughly grateful for.

    So tomorrow we head for the airport and fly to Barcelona and then on Monday we head for the ship. Wow hey!!! Can you believe it!

    Mind you we both were just saying that now our thoughts are really turning towards home and yet, it has been perfect in every way. It was very good to be in one spot for a few days ... well, one spot in so much as, being able to go shopping and also go to Gibraltar and Morocco! LOL

    Love to all!

    Carolyn and Martin ... thanks again for the notes. xoxoxoxo

  5. Thanks Charis.. It is just after 10pm here and I just realized that it was Father's Day. Love you!!!!

    This is mom! I feel AWFULLLLL, oh my goodness, can't believe it that I missed it! Nothing around here has said anything to remind me I guess. :( Anyway, dad is taking it in very good stride and yet I am sure he loved getting your messages just now. We have yet to check our facebook profiles.

    Love you Chickadee. From mom xo
