Saturday, May 15, 2010

Santa Domingo ... rooster in the cathedral!

Absolute fav!  Croissant and Cafe con Leche ...
especially after walking for a couple hours
first thing in the morning. Ahhhh

More amazing Spanish countryside

Greeted with a Santa Domingan parade!

The first of many more storks to come ...

but we missed getting a photo of the majestic white rooster in the cathedral! :(

So, this little barnyard one will have to do ... a familiar sound in the countryside and the cities alike!

You will have to check the story of this out on the internet. But, sure enough, when we entered this huge cathedral for mass and a concert tonight there in a big cage in a prominent place at the back of the church was this big white rooster! When the singing had started the rooster crowed every now and then. It was really cool and of course impossible to keep the smile off of our faces.

Martin has gone to bed now and I was trying to find a basin to soak my feet, but, for whatever reason there isn´t one to be found! This is by far the nicest albergue that we have stayed in to date. Last night and the night before were at the other end of the scale. But, all of them have been better than sleeping outdoors!

It was a cold day today with the wind blowing against us all the way. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a bit better. But, always blessings because today there was little rain and little mud.

My time is up on here now and so will sign off. Have a wonderful holy day tomorrow! God´s richest blessings.


  1. :( poor feet!
    are they doing better?

  2. Charis, wish I could report that they are. But, unfortunately not and now have added more blisters to the lot. Resorted to taking a Tylenol 3 today for the walk, thank goodness Auntie Matuga suggested I take some, now I am wishing I had more!

    Mom xoxo

  3. Cathedral Santa Domingo de la Calzada with White roosters and chickens analysis of Dominic's miracle edited from Wikipedia.

    The first element of the tale, that of a hanged pilgrim, is found in many collections of miracles, with the salvation from death of the victim attributed to not only Dominic, but also to Saint James the Great, or to the Virgin Mary, and the story taking place in various cities.

    A young 17 year old German pilgrim named Hugonel was "wrongly hanged" for stealing, on the basis of a spurned would be lover. After the hanging his parents visited the gallows and heard their son's voice telling them to continue the pilgrimmage to Compostella.

    The second part of the tale, the miracle of the dancing roasted chicken and rooster, is unique to Santo Domingo de la Calzada,though the notion can be found in folklore concerning the mythical land of Cockaigne, "where grilled geese fly directly into one's mouth," or otherwise move about on their own accord.

    After Hugonel's hanging, the German parents of Hugonell completed the pilgrimmage to Santiago and it was on their return that the miracle of the white cock and hen occurred.

    In memory of Dominic's miracle, a rooster and chicken, with white feathers, are kept alive at the cathedral all year round (they are called descendants of the original birds who miraculously danced even though roasted)[ they are maintained by means of donations and a different rooster and chicken are switched each month.

    The pairs of roosters and chickens, when they are not at the cathedral, are kept in a chicken coop maintained by the Cofradía de Santo Domingo (Confraternity of Santo Domingo). A wayside shrine (hornacina) built in 1445 holds a relic associated with the miracle: a piece of wood from the gallows from which Hugonell was hanged.
