Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Survived a fall ... hiking pole bent!

Today, as we went through the wonderful city of Pamplona, we walked through the area where they have the running of the bulls and a marathon that was in progress and saw another beautiful cathedral.

Ramparts on the entrance to city of Pamplona

One of many beautiful cathedrals yet to be explored!

Last couple of days have taken us through some incredibly beautiful countryside, vineyards, white asparagus fields, almond trees, olive trees and beautiful red poppies covering the roadsides and sprouting up here and there between the dark green wheat fields. All of it has been a feast for the senses and especially the spirit!

White asparagus fields
Feet are tired after another day of walking, yesterday there was a bit of a mishap and I survived it better than some who fell in the same place. Yet again we covered ground that was extremely slippery and when I fell I used my pole to brace myself and so the hiking pole did not fare quite so well unfortunately.

The summit of a mountain outside the city of Pamplona.

Knights Templar Cathedral ... (We took a detour, and added on a few more kms, so 'we' could see it. ;o)

The sun came out yesterday and we have been sporting a bit of a burn here and there and are lathering on the sunscreen.

White asparagus row, the one outside the black plastic has turned green from receiving sunshine.

More beauty!

Today we had the great privilege to walk along a Roman road for a long distance. We have to yet fully process such an opportunity as this! Can you imagine. We are truly blessed. Thank you to Tianna and Ray for looking after our boys and our dog it allows us to have these experiences and the ones yet to come.

God´s richest blessings to you all!

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